Congrats on making it to your final day! A few of us had some goodbye messages for you. So keep scrolling down and enjoy the rest!
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We’ll miss you Ariel! You did so much for the dev team - we would have been lost without your contributions (both technical and managerial). Best of luck in your next role!

- Reilly

So nice working with you Ariel! I wish you all the best!

- Lauren

Ariel! I wish you all the best on your next steps! Rest up and take care. You will be missed.

- Jason L

It has been a pleasure working with you Ariel. Wishing you the best on your next adventure!

- Ahmed

It has been a pleasure working with you Ariel. Wishing you all the best in whatever you pursue next. Keep in touch :)

- Rachel

It's been great working with you Ariel, that murder mystery you wrote was so good! Wish you all the best in the new role!

- Tim

I'll miss our rants!! Thank you for keeping it real for us all, and best of luck with your next adventure!

- Anthony

Ariel, you were the person to count on when our team needed it the most! I will miss our conversations and I wish you all the best in your next adventure!

- Simon

Congratulations on your new job! Thank you for all your hard work, it’s been a pleasure working with you. I’ll be rooting for you in your next journey! :)

- Elena Hsu

Ariel!! It’s been an incredible pleasure to work with you! You’re an awesome engineer, teammate, leader, and person and I’ll really miss having you on the team. I wish you absolutely the very best for the future. We will stay in touch!! :)

- Morgan

It was really great working with you! The (virtual) office won't be the same without you. I wish you all the best in your new endeavours

- Brian

Ariel, it was a pleasure working with you for the short time that we did. Even from the sales side of the office, it was clear you had a positive impact on the tech team. You will be deeply missed. You've had such a positive impact on the company writ large. I am very sad to see you go. You're incredibly talented, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise; you'll do fantastic work wherever you go. Every company in the world would be lucky and privileged to have you. Maybe with some luck, we'll work together again soon! Best of luck with everything ahead of you!

- Michael Tastad

I wish you all the best Ariel! Even though we worked on separate teams, I could still sense the positive impact you made on the company.

- Jesse Heimsoth

Ariel, let your way clear itself as you go, and remember that every rainy season concludes with sunshine. All the best and thanks for everything.

- Vadym

Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to know you or work with you in my short time here so far, but you seemed nice, and I'm sure it would have been a great!

- Ajit Chandi

We'll miss you in the tech team Ariel! It's been great working with you (even from a distance) for the past year or so. Best wishes on your next adventures :)

- Isabelle Rabideau

Ariel! Hope your future is filled with many more plushies and costumes. We are glad to have played a part on your journey to becoming a Canadian and I wish you the best in your future endeavors!

- Herman Chandi

Thank you so much for stepping up and helping the team when you did! Best of luck in your new adventures, Ariel!

- Max

It has been a tremendous pleasure and joy working with you at UrbanLogiq! You are a woman of leadership and you've been a consistent, reliable, trustworthy teammate and a technically proficient software developer who stepped up to manage a team of devs in need of guidance. You have a wonderful gift in being able to bring people together and unify teams and your presence has drawn us closer within the tech department. I hope you know you are valued and that your fervor has encouraged me as a woman in tech! I thank you for honestly sharing constructive feedback and voicing the necessity for our company to both celebrate victories and acknowledge failures. Above all, I wish you to be well and to take the best care of you, regardless of your work career ahead. Our career does not define our identity, and your value and worth remain just because of the person you are, Ariel - and that nobody can ever take away! I wish you the best, Ariel. May the journey ahead be more exciting and joyful than your mind and heart can possibly imagine.

- Irene Fabris

Ariel! You've been such a great addition to the team and you will be missed! We wish you all the best in your future and look forward to hearing about all the great things you accomplish in the future! Thank you for all your contributions to our team!

- Arun

Thanks so much for everything you brought to the team, you really made an impact and helped us make a difference in the world and we wouldn't be where we are without you!

- Mark Masongsong

Hey Ariel! It was a lot of fun getting to work with you! You will be sorely missed, best of luck with everything!!!

- Alex Fung
